A Page On Mark Foley

Congressman Mark Foley, (Republican from the Sixteenth Congressional District of Florida who built his political career as a protector of children), has abruptly resigned after many years of service. He resigned after he came under scrutiny for sending questionable emails and instant messages to a 16-year-old page. Many of his constituents and others have had unkind words for, and are distancing themselves from the congressman.
The Atheologist on the other hand, applauds Foley, who is well known for his great work in helping exploited children, especially in the area of pedophilia. The Atheologist feels that Foley never should have resigned. Transcripts of his instant message exchanges show his great interest, passion and penetrating love of young, (male), adolescents. The Atheologist does not understand where all of Foley's friends in the, “Family Values”, party are and why they aren’t standing behind this great man. Foley in the past has received high ratings from the Christian Coalition and helped write laws to shield youths on the Internet from what he described as "sick people."
All is not lost for Foley though. Due to his many years of service on the Washington scene he is surely very skilled in the ins and outs and workings of the politics inside the Beltway. The Atheologist predicts a future career as a lobbyist, or something more hands on*, for Foley, possibly with a youth group such as NAMBLA.
*One of the Atheologist's many sources has told the Atheologist that Foley isn't just very computer savy, but is a very hands on type of a guy. That information should become public knowledge shortly.
Here’s a video tribute to Foley.
The Atheologist