A couple of the Atheologist's co-workers were having a chat recently about politics.
A question was asked by the co-worker standing to the left of the Atheologist to the co-worker standing to the right,
"Why do Conservatives think that progress is made by moving

The co-worker standing to the right, (lets call him, "Ray"), seemed to twitch a little then a slight growl may have been heard. He then responded, at the
top of his lungs, (probably just in case people in the next room were interested), with this:
"You want to know why? You want to know why?
Because sometimes you have to
move backwards so you don't fall off the cliff. The cliff of
Socialism, liberalism, homosexialism, Muslimism and atheism. That's why!!! Jesus Christ,
women can vote now can't they?!?!?!?"
"Ray", then stormed out of the room.
Another co-worker of the Atheologist then wondered out loud whether or not there were any
guns or swords lying around the office.
The Atheologist