Gallup Poll: Republicans Attend Church More Than Democrats

Twenty-one percent say they attend nearly weekly or monthly, and 38% say they seldom or rarely go to church.
Compare that to only 27% of Democrats who say they go to church every week, 20% who say they go monthly and 52% of Democrats who say they seldom or never go to church.
The Atheologist supposes that if you ask any of these intelligently designed, God-fearing, church going individuals the reason for this variation, they would most likely state that it was because Republicans pray a lot for those that need it - you know, the gays, atheists, liberals, lazy unemployed people, stem cells and Muslims. Democrats obviously don't care about anyone.
Here's an amazing fact the Atheologist has uncovered that even that Gallup guy hadn't: Republicans attend church more often than Democrats, atheists and Jews combined, (not counting any Jews for Jesus of course).
God bless them, every one.
The Atheologist