Atheist Crucifixes Pulled From Church Gift Shops

Saint Patrick's Cathedral and Trinity Church in New York City, pulled crucifixes from their gift shops today after it was alleged in a report by the National Labor Committee, that they were manufactured in Communist Chinese Atheistic Sweatshops.
The report alleged that the crucifixes come from a factory in Guangdong, China, where women, some as young as 15, who know nothing about Jesus, work more than 90 hours a week for about 26 cents an hour, (less than half of China's minimum wage). The crucifixes, which cost as little as $1.40 to produce, are sold in church gift shops for $17.95. (American Capitalists pay attention; a 1200% markup is very impressive indeed.)
Just how many of these heathen crucifixes have been sold to unsuspecting Catholics, Episcopalians and other Christians is anybody’s guess. Have these crucifixes been tested for lead? Do Christians risk getting brain damage every time they kiss these crucified Jesuses?
The Atheologist suggests a trade embargo be implemented against China, ASAP!! The embargo that the US has against Cuba since 1962 has successfully prevented the importation of Sweaty Cuban Communistic Crucifixes into our great nation. China is just another one of those Communistic Countries that Jesus has warned us about.
The Atheologist
The report alleged that the crucifixes come from a factory in Guangdong, China, where women, some as young as 15, who know nothing about Jesus, work more than 90 hours a week for about 26 cents an hour, (less than half of China's minimum wage). The crucifixes, which cost as little as $1.40 to produce, are sold in church gift shops for $17.95. (American Capitalists pay attention; a 1200% markup is very impressive indeed.)
Just how many of these heathen crucifixes have been sold to unsuspecting Catholics, Episcopalians and other Christians is anybody’s guess. Have these crucifixes been tested for lead? Do Christians risk getting brain damage every time they kiss these crucified Jesuses?
The Atheologist suggests a trade embargo be implemented against China, ASAP!! The embargo that the US has against Cuba since 1962 has successfully prevented the importation of Sweaty Cuban Communistic Crucifixes into our great nation. China is just another one of those Communistic Countries that Jesus has warned us about.
The Atheologist