Don’t Judge A Blog By Its Cover

The Atheologist has come across a blogger who may not be what he professes to be. This particular blogger, who shall not be identified by the Atheologist, leads his readers to believe that he is an Atheist.
Now the Atheologist, whose job it is to find the truth in all things relating to Atheism and religion, believes that he sees this blogger for what he really is. This particular blogger is no Atheist, but actually a Fundamentalist Christian!
The Atheologist has witnessed thousands of online debates between Fundamentalist Christians vs. Atheists and Fundamentalist Christians vs. people of other faiths and has become an authority on the way Fundamentalist Christians operate. Here is the evidence gathered from his blog and online forums, that have led the Atheologist to his logical assumption, see if you don’t agree:
(1) Anyone who disagrees with him is wrong – A typical Fundamentalist trait.
(2) Resorts to name calling and belittling instead of discussion when he is frustrated – A Fundamentalist technique, (uses retarded, retarded moron, gullible, stupid, ignorant, jerk, French whore, Moonbat and Dhimmiwit often).
(3) Posts his and his dog’s picture on his blog – A real Atheist knows, that for an Atheist, this is a very dangerous thing to do. (But then again maybe it’s not really his picture or his dog’s picture and he’s not really a Canadian, he’s probably from Alabama).
(4) Strongly defends and supports Israel’s right to exist – Fundamentalist Christians need Israel to exist so that the Biblical End Times scenario can play out.
(5) Brags a lot – about his dog, his sense of humor, his intelligence, the number of hits his blog gets…this is a typical Fundamentalist Christian superiority complex trait.
(6) Has a great singing voice from all those years he spent in his church choir - as witnessed from audio clips on a recent blog post of his.
(7) Doesn’t have a job – He doesn’t need a job because he probably gets money from the Bush Administration’s Faith Based Initiative program funneled through his church. (Remember he’s from Alabama).
(8) Pretends to be a racist and bigot – True Christians are not. (A cunning use of deception here) .
(9) Does not like conspiracy theories - (except for those against Israel see # (4) above) – This is an offshoot of the hatred that Fundamentalist Christians have towards any theory, examples; Evolutionary theory, big bang theory, gravitational theory, alien clone theory…etc.
(10) Recently started screening the comments to his blog – Maybe others besides the Atheologist were getting wise to his ways.
There was one thing that at first bothered the Atheologist in the early stages of his investigation into this blogger. His spelling and grammar are impeccable. (It is a well known fact that Fundamentalist Christians have terrible grammar and spelling because they have a hard time concentrating in English class what with their minds constantly on Jesus.) The Atheologist looked into this anomaly and found out that some Fundamentalist Christians actually know how to use Spell Checker, (what a relief that was).
There is still one question that the Atheologist cannot answer at this time about this blogger:
Does he or does he not actually eat bacon?
As a side note:
The Atheologist has found several other bloggers who also do not actually appear to be what they profess to be. There is one in particular one that caught the Atheologist’s attention. She is a blogger who gives the impression of being a devout Catholic, but the Atheologist is working on the theory that she may actually be a Black, Lesbian, Atheist, Migrant Mud Wrestler. Stay tuned.
Update 2/01/2007: It seems that the blogger who is the subject of this post, is still practicing his deception. In the interest of public safety and truthfulness the Atheologist feels obligated to identify the architect of this little charade. This individual’s blog can be found here.
The Atheologist
LOL. I have a job, and I stopped screening the comments has Bernanda has at least temporarily stopped spamming me with her Jew hating posts.
'7) Doesn’t have a job'
Where did I get that from?
I thought I saw something on your blog or profile that made me think that. Ok then you're an atheist again.
I just KNEW that he couldn't be trusted. That part about the spelling a grammar- that was the big one for me.
Now this is some interesting schtick.
a blogger who gives the impression of being a devout Catholic
You've got to admit I picked a good "cover" eh? :-D
this is actually pretty funny
as a matter of fact after reading through some previous posts, you are on the blogroll.
I am the happy recipient of baconeatingzionist censorship. To support what the atheologist said about bacon's language, following is an exchange I had with him on his blog.
" Your position on the prohibition of so-called "hard" drugs like cocaine and heroin is illogical and irrational.
These, along with other drugs, should be legal. The reason people may hold up 7/11's is because the drugs are expensive--in more ways than one--because they are illegal. If they were legal--maybe even with controlled prices--people could get them at reasonable prices and they wouldn't have to frequent dangerous criminals to get them. People can and do lead normal lives even with addictions, including heroin or cocaine addictions.
Did you know that all these anti-drug laws only came into being after WWI? Was there an enormous drug problem before that? Alcohol was seen as the biggest public health problem. Yet by the time of prohibition, the consumption of alcohol per person was in steady decline. This decline is continuing up to today.
See the book "Alcohol" by Griffith Edwards.
Conceptually, there is no difference between use of these different substances. It is an illusion to think that legalization would lead to a boom in drug use. There is a limit to the amount that people could consume and to the number of people who would be interested in one substance or another. Mostly what would happen is that drug users--including alcohol users--would change from one to substance to another or alternately use different ones.
Of course there should the same restrictions as for alcohol in driving or forbidding sales to minors.
Finally, who are you to tell people how to live their lives and what they can and cannot do in their private lives?
# posted by bernarda : 09 April, 2006 08:37
Bernarda, you live in the past. It is evident in all your posts.
I am not telling people what to do in private. But some things like shooting guns, practising pedophelia in your own house and doing illegal hard drugs can be justifiably dealt with in my eyes by prohibiting it.
And also levying very harsh sentences.
# posted by Bacon Eating Atheist Jew : 10 April, 2006 15:37
As usual Bacon, you don't respond to any specific point. You make gross generalizations.
Even you should be able to see the difference between taking drugs and praticing pedophilia.
You have to be the most intellectually dishonest atheist I have ever encountered. I am at the point of questioning your ability to understand basic logical concepts. You give atheism a bad name.
# posted by bernarda : 10 April, 2006 16:23
Look idiot, quit cherry picking, in fact GFY and get lost. You are nothing but a vile puke.
You made many generalizations and you are upset because I gave you a general answer.
What specific point am I supposed to address, you retarded assmonkey?
# posted by Bacon Eating Atheist Jew : 10 April, 2006 16:59
I gave you very specific reasons for legalizing drugs. Maybe you should read them.
I gave you references, which you said you liked. Maybe you should read them.
# posted by bernarda : 10 April, 2006 17:15
I don't want to read anything you have to offer me. I don't know why you are here if you think I'm not rational.
Either make a specific point or don't. But don't expect me to do homework assignments. I'll read what I want when I want. I don't want to read your crap, because whatever you have read in your life turned you into the imbecile you are today.
# posted by Bacon Eating Atheist Jew : 10 April, 2006 17:30"
In addition, he calls anyone, particularly me, who opposes his fanatic fundie zionism "a jew-hater".
thank you bigdumbchimp,
I visited your blog and I like it, I will reciprocate.
I am leaving your comment up, but please don’t use my blog to get around someone’s censorship.
Do you have a blog of your own? That may be a good way to get your opinions out to those you are trying to reach.
I have some possible blog titles for you: I hate the beaj, beaj sucks… you get the idea.
That is a great idea. Maybe she doesn't realize that a blog is free to make and maintain. She can dedicate as many posts as she wants. She can make as many posts as she wants on zionazism too. And she can throw in the odd post about atheism too.
atheologist, I was just giving your readers proof of what you said. I am not avoiding his censorship. Last I looked, these posts were still on his site.
But I don't post on his site any more because he is too much of a coward to listen to contrary opinions.
Baconeating is a religious fundamentalist. What can you say about a supposed canadian that puts an israel flag on his site? At minimum he is a traitor to his country.
That said, I am finished with him here.
Atheologist, it looks like the jig is up.
Someone has discovered the fact that we are the same person.
W, you should really get your own blog. It is free. That way you can really get your word out there.
You ask way too many questions in the commenteries I have noticed. You should ask one at a time, or post your thoughts on your own blog.
Just my 2 cents.
w, as the beaj pointed out, you do seem to have a lot of questions and opinions, and really should have your own blog, but I’ll try to address a few:
At first I chose to become a vegetarian for the healthier lifestyle aspect, I later on learned of the suffering and horrors that occur in factory farms, so now it is a combination of the two reasons.
My blog is mainly for my amusement. I am not looking to convert anyone, I don’t have the time or energy to debate theists, especially Fundamentalist Christians and it is often a waste of time, religion often seems destroy the ability to reason and think, look here and just ask the beaj.
What steve said goes for most atheists, myself included. Also, as it is often said and pointed out, (but seldom paid attention to), atheism is not a belief; it is the absence of a belief. And definitely not a religion.
w, I have a couple of questions for you:
(1) Do you consider Buddhism a religion?
(2) How did you feel when the Taliban destroyed the statues of Buddha in Afganistan?
And w, you asked about the concepts of atheology; When I decided on a title for this blog, I thought that I had coined the term “Atheologist”. You make it sound like there really is such an animal as an Atheologist. Is there?
Hey come to think of it, the Atheologist has never done a post on Buddhism. Never say never.
Your last comment slipped in before I posted mine. I now can see that all of your original questions were of the rhetorical kind.
What part of the atheists’ world, which you have referred to, is falling apart?
Yes, some atheists are angry. Look here and read the rabbi’s original article. Then click on the links at the bottom of my post and try to understand that atheists are the ones who are being attacked and mocked, usually just for their ability to think clearly and think critically. Then go away.
I would say that curious joe's 21 points are more the values of secular humanism. Atheism is merely a lack of belief in a diety, nothing more. If you look on the web, you can find many posts by people who identify themselves as atheists and you will see how little effect their disbelief has on many of their opinions.
Yes anonymous, I agree with you. Secular humanists tend to be atheists but those who identify themselves as atheists are very often not secular humanists.
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