Muslim Attacks Christians On Subway for Poor Jew-Hating Skills

As he pummeled the Christians Askari was reportedly heard shouting:
"How dare you hate on this Jew! That is solely the right of Allah's chosen people! Foul infidels, you are not worthy to feel contempt for this offspring of pigs and monkeys! You should be trying to push him into the sea, not hurt his feelings! I spit on you and jihad in your general direction!”
and he continued with:
"You insult one stupid little Jew holiday and call that Jew-hating? You couldn't hate a Jew on the Jew-hatingest day of your life if you had an electrified Jew-hating machine! I could hate more Jews in five minutes than you could in your entire lifetime. And speaking of five minutes, that's how long it's been since I finished riding your mother, who - by the way - confided in me at the height of passion that she's deeply disappointed by your bumbling and grotesquely inept Jew-hating."
The Atheologist has heard the saying: ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’, but there must be more that goes with it, something like, ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend, unless he is too much of a pussy to be a really good enemy to my enemy’.
The Atheologist
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