Truth In The Bible

When the Atheologist was a young whippersnapper he was lead, by his parents, to believe in imaginary beings such as Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy to name a few. The Atheologist’s parents, as many parents did and still do, used the threat of Santa’s not coming or his providing only the gift of coal in the stocking, in order to promote better behavior. Advertisers and the entertainment industry often exploit the ease in which children can be lead to believe just about anything, no matter how outrageous the claim may be. As a child matures, this gullibility slowly fades away and usually disappears as one enters adulthood.
One of the Atheologist’s favorite bible passages beautifully summarizes this point, it is 1 Corinthians 13:11:
One of the Atheologist’s favorite bible passages beautifully summarizes this point, it is 1 Corinthians 13:11:
“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”
Many people, atheists in particular, are often heard stating that the Bible has nothing important to say, has no truth and is inaccurate or has no relevance to modern life.
The Atheologist would like to ask those people to read what apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:11, and point out to them that when they were youngsters, they had immature beliefs and a childish outlook on life. Might they have thought that Sesame Street was a real place, purple dinosaurs could sing or that Spaggetios was a gourmet treat? Most adult atheists have abandoned such beliefs and therefore must concede that the Bible sums up the process that they have gone through very accurately.
They then should then give in and admit that they have actually read something in the Bible that they believe is true and therefore can no longer call themselves non-believers. That may be just what it would take to push some atheists into the religious mainstream. After all, as most Christians will tell you, God is real, but an imaginary being that has to threaten his believers with coal in their stocking, just doesn’t make any sense.
The Atheologist would like to ask those people to read what apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13:11, and point out to them that when they were youngsters, they had immature beliefs and a childish outlook on life. Might they have thought that Sesame Street was a real place, purple dinosaurs could sing or that Spaggetios was a gourmet treat? Most adult atheists have abandoned such beliefs and therefore must concede that the Bible sums up the process that they have gone through very accurately.
They then should then give in and admit that they have actually read something in the Bible that they believe is true and therefore can no longer call themselves non-believers. That may be just what it would take to push some atheists into the religious mainstream. After all, as most Christians will tell you, God is real, but an imaginary being that has to threaten his believers with coal in their stocking, just doesn’t make any sense.
Note: This post and my blog are dedicated to my Aunt, Rose Impallaria, who recently passed away. See the comment section of this post for more details.
The Atheologist
I am dedicating this post and my blog to my Aunt Rose who recently passed away. We often discussed the childish aspect of religion and the religious and how this need and belief in a protector and supernatural father figure often caused His “children” to do unspeakable things to one another.
At her memorial services many people mentioned, “that she was now with God”, that heaven was fortunate to have her now”, “that she was watching down on us”…etc. Had she heard what was being said, Aunt Rose would have kindheartedly laughed this off but it would have privately troubled her. Aunt Rose was one of only a handful of relatives and friends who have actually encouraged me in my blog writing. (She actually told me that I should write professionally, which made me laugh.) On her Washington Post online guestbook, (it is no longer accessible), I left the following:
As most, if not all of her nieces and nephews, would tell you, our aunt Rose was their favorite. Our Aunt Rose was a very extraordinary person. Her ability to connect with people was one of her many remarkable traits. One outcome of this ability was that she was always able to make friends wherever she went.
As an atheist/humanist, she had no fear or concern with heaven or hell and knew that her priority was towards her fellow human beings. She had deep concern, compassion and warmth for her fellow human beings. When you were with, or spoke to Aunt Rose you couldn’t help but feel it. This concern for others was not limited to only those people that she knew, (as anyone who knew of her political opinions and habit of donating to a large number of charities could confirm). She and I often spoke about the political situation in this country. She saw religion for what it truly was and how it cheapens life. She had been very troubled with the things that were going on in the world and the direction in which our country was heading. However, she seemed very relieved and optimistic with the way that the recent elections had turned out and hoped that things would now change for the better for all of us.
Aunt Rose was an intellectual but at the same time a very earthy person. She loved puns, white zinfandel, Jeopardy, music, theatre, art, cooking…etc and was a hardnosed Scrabble player.
At her memorial service in Washington D.C., I was amazed that many of her friends knew her nieces, nephews and other relatives even though they had never met them before.
No, she is not living in the imaginary place called heaven with an imaginary being called ‘God’, as some people like to think; but she will live on in the hearts and minds of the people who were lucky enough to have known her.
I am sorry for your loss, but from your description I am sure that you will always remember Aunt Rose, and those we remember do live on in our hearts. There is little doubt that she had a profound impact on you, and your cousins as well I'm sure.
I had an aunt like that too, who passed away in 1999. I miss her every day, but the many lessons she taught me about family, love, tolerance, humor, and compassion live on.
Thank you, Rev. Moe.
Hey mate,
I appreciate your post on a number of levels. Of course firstly I feel for your loss.
I'm interested in objectivity on both sides of the debate.
The Bible (or any other book considered authoritative or inspired by some religious community) does not have to be accepted as all true by an atheist. But, the Bible does exist, and, as an anthropological treasure, is valuable for its connection to our past as human beings.
Atheists who summarily dismiss the Bible due to the political issue of being a religous thing miss out on its secular value. The Bible is the most authenticated ancient document we have, with more original source material than any other ancient work. That scientific fact provides for us an interesting peak into our past, as a species.
And, insofar as there may be observations or philosophical lines of thought and conclusion (as the one you mentioned in your post), these gems can be taken for what they're worth by anyone, religious or secular.
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